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12 trucchi per cominciare e aumentare il traffico del tuo blog

Get your blog listed in blog directories and lists

There are lots of blog directories. Get your blog listed in them! Most of these directories are free, and all you have to do is register your blog to be listed.

  • Find out about the blog directories that interest you.
  • Register your blog.
  • Be sure that you've defined your editorial line before you choose the categories you want to be in.

Other bloggers also publish lists of blogs to follow. Some of them update these lists regularly. Introduce yourself to them so they'll add your blog to their lists. The better known the bloggers are, the more valuable their recommendation lists. That's what it means to be an influencer! When you contact them, be convincing and tactful. The idea is to convince them that you deserve to be on their list, of course.