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How do I customize the design of my OverBlog?

You don't need any technical know-how to customize your blog. Browse our themes to find the one that will best showcase your content, and customize it to reflect your image.

Would you like to do some more advanced design changes, but don't have the coding skills? We thought of that. With a single click, you can choose the design customization options you want through your admin panel.

  • Go to your admin panel.
  • Click "Theme."
  • Click on the theme you like.
  • Then go to "Edit" and choose the options you want.
  • Don't forget to save your changes.
  • And your changes are live!

Do you have some professional coding skills? OverBlog themes aren't locked. You can modify them as much as you want to, or even rewrite the code completely! You can go into the HTML or CSS code to make major changes to the design.

In "Edit," click "HTML," and dive into that code. ;-)

Personal blog, or professional website, it doesn't matter what you call your OverBlog. It's what you do with it that matters! OverBlog does not impose any design constraints. So go wild!